Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Things I often Think About...Where is this world coming to?

I know its been a while... so I just figured I'd share some thoughts that often mind boggle me. haha So the past month a few things have come up in my life that I just dont quite understand... Like I got up this morning and put on my "pair of pants" first of all... Why is it called a "pair" when its one item of clothing... Just because it has two holes doesnt mean we should call it a pair.. and if so then why dont we call jackets a "pair of Jackets"?? And even beyond that... Why is it a pair of "pants".. if its one (singular) pair then how can it be plural pants?? And the same goes for this because there are two holes for your legs doesnt necessarily mean it should be plural right?? I mean then we'd be calling our shirts pair of shirts... "This morning I put a pair of shirts on" I mean what is this world coming to and where is it heading next?? I am a little worried haha.

On a more serious note... what is this world really coming to?? Are there any men out there who were raised old fashioned and actually know how to hold the door for women or how to open the door for them when they get in your car???  And besides that point, should I really have to say "old fashioned"?? Why is that old fashioned now..??  People People People... there is something wrong with this picture and I dont like it at all.  I was talking with a friend last week about this and it became a very heated topic in my head (as some of you know I can get pretty upset about things like this).  I mean come on... haha anyways... So there are some guys out there who are very polite and who hold the door open for girls but then there are some who dont and they will blatantly walk through doors and shut the door behind them even though they know your right behind them.  But then on the other side there are girls who dont even acknowledge when there are men who are willing to do nice things for us.  I am just saying... when I see someone go out of their way to hold the door for me or to pick up something for me or just be a gentlemen because thats how they were raised, I make sure to tell them thank you and that I appreciate the fact that they do that for me.  I mean come on women, if you want it to happen ya better thank them for it!!!  It is just sad to me that we live in a world where the women dont even expect it anymore and they just let their men treat them like crap and not even care.  And then that men dont even know how to be gentlemen.  I mean how can some men let women walk out to their cars late at night all alone, (or if your my roommate, walk ALL the way to their apartment a mile away at 1AM).  I mean isnt that a little weird?? Who just thinks thats ok???  I definitely dont and I would like to see this change!!

 I was driving to LA yesterday when I saw a billboard that said "The McRib is back!!"... And I became puzzled about this.. First of all... Who thinks to put a rib in a burger?? Or fast food form for that matter??  Obviously McDonalds... and Second of all, how many Mc_____'s are ya gonna make!! I mean thats just disgusting and it doesnt even sound good to me.  I mean maybe it is but I will never know..

Why isnt college free??  We are paying to work our butts off and make something with our own lives.  We are giving back to society by getting jobs and helping people out who are in need, so why shouldn't all education be free??? This is another thing that boggles my mind.  Education is a huge thing!!!  So many things can affect this.  What happened to creativity and being your own person?? Now we are entitled to think a certain way and if we cant think like the standard student and be tested on it and pass then we arent smart enough to go to school.  I think thats a bunch of bull!!  I am worried for my kids.. the education system is not good and its not going down a very good rout.  But how can they when they dont have the money or resources to do anything better??  If a teacher wants a change they would have to stand up themselves and do it on their own time, no one is encouraged to do this however so no one is brave enough to stand up and do it.  The sense of creativity has gone out the window... I will be honest.. every time I am asked to come up with something creative the first place I go is to the internet.  We make tshirt designs and we get the ideas from online... where is this world coming to?? and what happened to our creative minds?? Dont go to the internet, turn to your own brain!! We are smart enough to think of it on our own!

Well anyways... these are some of the things I have been thinking about... If you have anything you would like to add feel free.  Maybe we could solve the problems of the world together or something ;)