Saturday, February 11, 2012

Just Another Day in History

I have overheard so many countless conversations this past week about what girls are doing for Valentines day.  On top of that, I cant count how many times I have heard (with a negative tone) that girls dont have anyone so why should it matter anyways?  Its singles awareness day right?  WRONG! It does matter and no one is alone! Some people need to realize the real meaning of Valentine's Day, or look at it with a better attitude.  Valentine's Day is not all for the meaning of romantic love, but also includes the meaning of love.  You love your family right? You love your friends right? So go out and experience that world on your own! Your single, your alone on Valentine's... who cares? This is a time for you to go out and learn who you really want to be.  Text your mom, tell her you love her. Call dad and tell him you love him too! Tell everyone who you really care about that they mean something to you in your life, and quit feeling sorry for yourself.  There are many times in my life where I could look back and be depressed about this holiday, but then I realize that I have a lot of loving people in my life, and no matter how alone I will feel on that day, I am never alone.  To me this holiday is about Love and no matter what that love is whether it be romantic love or just friendship love, its LOVE and thats all I really need.  "All ya need is love" as the beatles would put it :) Love is all ya need!!  So get up this week and put a smile on, forget about the depressed singles awareness attitude and wake up from loneliness.  Hold the ones around you close because you never know when you are going to lose them.  And dont let this holiday end.  Spread love every where you go, every day for the rest of your life.  Valentine's day doesnt have to end! Men shouldnt need a day to tell their wives how much they truly mean to them or how much they truly love them.  Women shouldnt need a day to receive chocolates and red roses and whatever else comes with this day, because we all love each other the same every other day.  So why not start now and celebrate it year round.  This Holiday is not a depressing day, so wake up from depression rise up and defeat yourself.  You are the product of your own attitude and attitude is a choice. Be positive and be happy that you are alone, or be happy that you are not alone and you have someone.  But just be happy no matter where you are in life because you were meant to be where you are today whether that be alone or not.  So I wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day, whether single, in a relationship, in between that, married, wherever your heart has led you, be happy and grateful for where you are today, because when it comes down to it, God is love and you wouldnt be where you are without him.  So Happy Valentine's Day God, you have given me the gift of Love and that has gotten me so far in life; experiencing many challenges and learning along the way, and for that I am eternally grateful.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The World of My Own, but Shared by Many

While I was searching my soul a little bit tonight, I encountered a letter from a long time ago in my personal notebook.  I decided to share it with you because reading back over it, I realized a lot of people are going through the same thing as me, and many have already gone through the same thing as me.  Enjoy reading!  This was written almost two years ago at the end of my freshman year of college.  It was written to myself and as a prayer to myself for my future.

My Dearest Child,

Amen I say to you, God is always there and here for you. No matter where you are in life. He is with you when you are joyous and when you are sad. He is with you when you are in the light and he is with you when you are in the dark. When you found out you got accepted to USD, he was sitting right beside you cheering you on, and when you let yourself and others around you down he was there beside you. When you felt discouraged to move on, he gave you the strength to move on and with the support of your brothers and your parents you were given the courage to do so. God gave you this difficult time so you could learn from it and make the future better. There are people who have touched your life this year and made you who you are today. Jeanette gives you the want to go out and help the less fortunate. Your brother gives you the strength and knowledge to know that no matter what happens or what grade you get that it doesnt define who you are today.

There are things about you that are amazing gifts from God! You are always positive and can look at almost any situation and pull out the positive. Never change. Spread love with a smile, and be kind hearted. Just like Mom taught you. You are a strong woman and no one can change how strong you are. Never change.

Promise yourself and God that this summer you will walk, run, and sprint with the Lord.  You will walk with him by your side in your stressful days. You will run with him in your faith life and let it grow in you.  You will sprint forward to the faith you are about to encounter. Promise to learn and keep your heart open to whatever you need to and to God. Peace; be peaceful and feel peace.  Spread peace to the ones around you. You are awesome and dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. You are strong and no matter what, you can walk over any bridge you encounter. Through the love of God there is strength, and that is all you need. I love you, God loves you, and your family loves you! No matter what they are always with you!

God Bless! And Know that You are Loved!!