Thursday, June 28, 2012

No Regrets with an Open Door for my Future

I have been through a rough patch in my life through this past semester of my Junior Year of college.  As I look back on it now I thank God for every single trying day I had because I am the stronger woman I am because of those days.  While I made a decision and wasnt quite sure why I had to make it I knew deep down inside it was the right thing to do.  I only knew this because of my trust in the Lord and my Faith in God to pull me through.  I have been through hard times in my life and while they may not have been the best times in my life they were times where I felt most secure.  This may sound weird and a lot of people say they would feel the least secure in these times.  But no, I felt secure.  I made a decision that I had prayed about for a long time, and when I felt I got an answer from God I went with it.  I went with it knowing it was the right decision but not knowing how I would get through it.  I felt secure in knowing I was making the right decision because it was based on my faith in the Lord.  I felt secure knowing he would get me through whatever was to come my way, and he really has.  It isnt over, I still get sad and I stop to wonder here and there, but these thoughts dont stop me from knowing I am a stronger woman because of that decision and I am getting through this on my own.

I stood up for myself.  I stood up for something that I believed in, and I made a decision that may have changed the rest of my life for the better.  I left something great, but opened the door for something greater to enter my life.  Everything happens for a reason and I dont regret anything in my life.  We all have Love enter our lives when we least expect it, and some may say it also leaves us when we least expect it.  This Love that I had was great dont get me wrong, but over the last little while I have learned that I deserve a Love much greater than that one.  Why are we meant to have multiple relationships filled with Love if we are just going to leave it later down the road for "the one" Love?  I asked myself this question.. And while I probably will never find the exact answer, here is my version of the answer.  I was meant to have multiple relationships fulfilled with the blessing of Love so I could learn from each kind, walk away from each one, and experience some kind of Love greater than the last.  Every Love I have experienced has taught me something new and made me realize something new from the last.  Love builds off itself and teaches you new things all the time.  While some of us find Love only once and leave this world with only that one relationship, others of us have multiple relationships with different kinds of Love.  But with each new Love the love grows into something unimaginable, something greater than the last because it builds off the last one.  I am grateful for every Love because of where it has lead me in life today.  I look forward to the building of my Love.  I look forward to making it stronger with more relationships whether it be friends or lovers.  I will not regret my past because it is from my past where my future lies.  So be strong in yourself.  Know the power you hold in your life and take advantage of it.  Stand up for what you believe is right even if your scared.  Do not fear Love.  Love with your whole heart and nothing less; God created Love for a good purpose so make good use of it.  Learn from Love.. Love will only become useless and a regret if you dont learn from it.  Know what you want deep down inside and fight for it. If its not the Love you have now then have the faith and strength to stand up and fight for what you know you deserve.  I deserve a better Love, I learned a lot from my past Love, but mainly that I deserve something greater, something unimaginable, something that is about to knock me off my feet.  Whether that be the end of the search for Love or not, I am ready.  I am ready to learn, I am ready to Love whenever that may be.  I fought for what I know I deserve and so can you.  Dont be afraid, fight for what you know is right, learn from your past and open the door for your future.  

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