Sunday, August 28, 2011

In this World that I Borrow

Life gets crazy sometimes... and I often forget to stop and think about what is really going on around me.  I worry about the little things like what I am going to wear for the day, how much homework I am going to have, or even as little as what kind of cheese I am going to put on my sandwich.  These are all legitimate things I worry about on a day to day basis.  I don't know about you but... these things can get pretty stressful... Sometimes (after spending a good 10 minutes worrying) I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that these things don't really matter all that much...  I forget to worry about the big things in life, like:  Who worries about the homeless people on the streets?  Who worries about the pollution from all our cars?  Who worries about kids living in poverty?  While I am at the beach getting my tan on, I rarely think about who is freezing in the cold because they don't have enough clothes to keep themselves warm.  When I am stuck in traffic, I rarely think about the less fortunate who don't even have cars to drive who walk everywhere they go.  When I am stuck in MY WORLD thinking about what outfit I am going to wear, or what cheese to put on my sandwich I am failing to see the big picture.

I often get stuck in this "me world" where everything I think about is what has to do with my life.  Ya I think about the homeless when I see them on the street, I think about the kids in poverty, but I never do anything about these things.  We think about them and then we let them slip by because they have nothing to do with our life.  We let the little things of our lives become big things; and the big problems of the world become the little things.  We should strive to make this "me world" go away.  We aren't going to be living on this world forever; it is like we are borrowing this world to hand it off to the next people to come and take care of it.  God lent us this world to see the bad things in it, to see the big problems and to do something about them; to help the homeless on the street, give to the needy, lend a hand to the helpless, be a crutch for the wounded, and to heal the broken.  I encourage everyone this week to do something nice for someone you don't know.  Look around you; pay attention to your "borrowed world" and take note of the big picture, take note of the big things in your life and worry about them.  Instead of worrying about these little things we always worry about, take time out of your day to worry about the big borrowed world we live in, and make it a better place for the next lenders.

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