Sunday, September 18, 2011

I wish... I wish... I wish...

Over the past two years of my college experience I have spent a lot of time wishing on what I thought I wanted my life to be like.  It sometimes was the simple things like how I wished I lived in a bigger room my freshman year.. or how I wished I wasnt a freshman at all.  Sophomore year things began to become a bigger deal and pretty soon I was wishing for much greater things.  It was this year in my college life that I got placed on academic probation.. No, I am not proud of this, but I learned a lot from this trying time in my life.  It was this point in my life where I looked at all the "smart" people around me and thought... "I wish it came easy for me..."  I wished that I could be smart like them and not have to study as hard for the C grades I was getting.  Life for me at this time was probably the hardest it has ever been.  I felt lost and alone and no one could help me but myself.  When I stopped wishing I was that "smart" person and picked up the books, I became "that" person.  Second semester I got off probation and going through that time of my life was actually a good thing.  I learned a lot from that period in my life, and now I know I can conquer anything God hands me.  In order for me to get through that time, I had to stop looking at other people and wishing I were them... I had to look at myself and ask myself what I had to do to become the person I wanted to be, not anyone else.

This is where the main point of this blog begins... I spend so much time in my life looking at other people and comparing myself to them and wishing I could be like them or have the things they have.  I wish I didnt have to worry about money, I wish I could be the rich guy on the block who just has all the money he needs for anything he wants to go out and buy.. but then I realize that is not in my cards right now.  And while I do this to myself, it becomes a cycle of just putting myself down.  I cant work enough to make that much money, I cant zoom through college and get a job to be making that kind of money.  I have to get there step by step in my own way.  So my question to you is... how many of us waist our time playing the "I wish" game.. How many of us compare ourselves to others and just want their life, or are just plain jealous of their life.  I am pretty sure we are all the same way.  We all do these things that are natural in our everyday life, that naturally put us down.  It is time to pick yourself up and realize that you can be whoever you want to be! But that does not mean you should just be whoever you see around you.  We have to be our OWN people, we have to be beautiful in our own way.. Stop looking at your neighbor and being jealous of their life, stop seeing a nice car and wishing you had it, stop wishing you were skinny like the girl on tv or that you had nice clothes like the girls on your campus.  We all are our own special selves and we can make ourselves whoever we want to become.  I am beautiful in my own special way, and so are you.  We dont have to compare ourselves to each other to see that.  Jesus doesnt compare us to each other.  He doesnt sit back in a chair and judge who he loves more; he doesnt love anyone more!  Jesus loves us all the same, and do you know why? Because we are all beautiful in his eyes!! We were made beautiful in his image.  So instead of wishing you were the student who had it easy, turn to yourself and thank God that you dont have it that way.  I am who I am because of these things I have gone through, and I honestly believe I am more "beautiful" because of them.  Go about your days, smile at everyone you see, love everyone around you because we are all equals on this earth; there isnt anyone out there better than anyone else, so make the world a better place and beYOUtiful, be genuinely YOU, be unique the way God made you, dont get caught in the "I wish... I wish... I wish..." game.

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